VI.6 Statements

Statements [Slide 194]

Simple [Slide 195]

empty |more |skip |len(ae)

The len construct can be used to define any interval length. The term len(n) defines an interval of length n (containing n+1 states). Thus,

len(0) = empty
len(1) = skip

Example 67.  

A = 0 and empty
A = 0 and more
A = 0 and skip

Assignments [Slide 196]

Example 68.  

A = 5 + B
A := A + 1
A gets B + 1
A < B + 1

Choice [Slide 197]

if be then st1 else st2 |if be then st1 |be implies st1

The form if then is the same as if then else true and is the same as implies

Example 69.  

if A > 0 then B := B + 4 else B := B + 2
if A > 0 then B := A + 4

Loop [Slide 198]

while be do st |repeat st until be |
for a <ae do st |chopstar(st) |
for a in le do st |for a in se do st |for ae times do st

The while, repeat, chopstar and for statements define sequential loops in the usual way.

Note that the control variable of a for loop should be static.

Example 70.  

while A > 0 do A := A 1
repeat B := B + 1until B = 5
for i < n do L[i] := L[i] + 1
chopstar(A := A + 1)
l = [0,1,2] and for in l do {skip  and output(e)}

Sequential [Slide 199]


The ; operator stands for sequential composition. The formula before the ; must define an interval length. For example,

{I = 0 and I gets I + 1} ; {len(4) and I gets I + 1} is not executable, since it is satisfied by a unbounded number of behaviours.

Example 71.  

{A = 0 and empty} ; {B = 0}
{A := A + 1 and skip} ; {B := B + 1}

Parallel [Slide 200]

st1  and st2

The logical conjunction operator and may be used to compose programs in parallel. For example, the conjunction

len(5) and always{I = 0} and always{J = 1}

causes the terms len(5), always{I = 0}, and always{J = 1} to be executed concurrently. That is, it defines a new interval of length 5 on which I is always 0 and J is always 1.

Example 72.  

A = 0 and B = 1 and A := A + 1 and B := B + 1 and skip
{A = 0 and empty} ; {B = 0 and empty}
{A := A + 1 and stable(B)} ; {B := B + 1 and stable(A)}

Next [Slide 201]

next st

The operator next is the operator. The term next causes to be executed on the next state. There must be a next state. Thus,

next{I = 1}

means that the variable I has the value 1 on the next state. It fails if the interval is empty.

Example 73.  

next(A = 0)
B = 0 and next(A = B + 1)

Always [Slide 202]

always st

The operator always is the operator. The term always causes to be executed on every state. Thus,

always{I = 1}

means that the variable I always has the value 1.

Example 74.  

always(A = 1)
always(A := A + 1)
always(if more then A := A + 1)

Sometimes [Slide 203]

sometimes st

The operator sometimes is operator. The term sometimes causes the interpreter to check that is true at some time in a program. Thus,

I = 0 and I gets I + 1 and halt(I = 10) and sometimes{I = 5}

will succeed.

Example 75.  

I = 0 and I gets I + 1 and len(2) and sometimes(I = 5)
I = 0 and I gets I + 1 and len (7) and sometimes (I = 2)

Halt [Slide 204]


The halt operator defines the termination condition for an interval. For example, the program:

I = 0 and I gets I + 1 and halt(I = 5)

defines an interval on which I is incremented state-by-state until it equals 5. The interval length must therefore be 5.

Example 76.  

I = 5 and I gets I + 1 and halt(I = 5)

Fin [Slide 205]


The term fin means that must be true on the last state of the interval. Thus, the program

len(5) and keep{I = 0} and fin{I = 1}

defines an interval of length 5 for which I is 1 on the last state, and 0 on every other state.

Example 77.  

J = 0 and stable(J) and
I = 0 and I gets I + 1 and len (3) and fin (J = 0)

Exists [Slide 206]

exists A : st |exists a : st |existsV 1,,V n : st

Existential quantification is denoted by the exists operator and semantically, it corresponds to the introduction of local variables. For example, in the program

exists I,J : {I = 0 and J = 1 and and
exists I : {I = J and }

there are two instances of the variable I. The outer one has initial value 0, the inner one has initial value 1.

Example 78.  

exists I,J : {J = 0 and stable(J) and
I = 0 and I gets I + 1 and
len(3) and fin(J = 0)}

Forall [Slide 207]

forall a <ae : st

Universal quantification is denoted by the forall operator. Only the bounded form forall i < n : {} is permitted. Semantically, universal quantification corresponds to indexed concurrency. The program

forall i < n : {p(i)}

is equivalent to p(0) and and p(n 1).

Example 79.  

forall i < |L| : {L[i] = 0}
forall i < |L| : {L[i] := L[i] + 1}

Functions [Slide 208]

define F(V 1,,V n) = {e}.

The define construct can be use to define functions. The parameters of a function call are passed via ‘call by reference’.

Example 80.  

define max(I,J) = {if I >= J then I else J}.
A := A + max(C,D)

Procedures [Slide 209]

define P(V 1,,V n) = {st}.

The define construct is used to define procedures. The parameters of a procedure call are passed via ‘call by reference’.

Example 81.  

define hanoi(n) = exists L,C,R : { 
    list(L,n) and forall i<n : L[i]=i and 
    C=[] and R=[] and move(n,L,C,R) and 
    always format("L=%10t C=%10t R=%10t\n",L,C,R) 
/ Move n discs from peg A to peg B / 
define move(n,A,B,C) = { 
    if n=0 then empty 
    else { 
        {skip and A:=A[1..|A|] and B:=A[0..1]+B and C:=C}; 

Input/Output [Slide 210]

input(V ) |output(e) |format("string",e1,,en)

The input, output and format constructs are for input and output. The “string” in format is like C.

Example 82.  

existsI,J : {input(I)  andJ = 0  and
      always output(J)  and halt(I = 0)  and
      ( gets I 1)  and ( gets J + I)

System commands [Slide 211]

load "file". |run st.

The load command is used to load a file containing a program. The run command is used to run a program.

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