VI.5 Expressions

Integer Expressions [Slide 187]

ae ::=
z |random |Random ||le||a |next a |A |next A |
ae1+ae2 |ae1ae2 |ae1ae2 |
ae1 div ae2 |ae1 mod ae2 |ae1 ∗∗ae2 |
if be then ae1 else ae2 |f(e1,,en)

random is an integer random number (static within a state). Random is an integer random number (can change within a state).

Example 60.  

1 + next a
A + next B
if((next A) > B) then C + next B else (next C) + D

Boolean Expressions [Slide 188]

be ::=
true |false |a |next a |A |next A |
be1 or be2 |be1 and be2 |be |
empty |more |e1 = e2 |e1 = e2 |
ae1 <ae2 |ae1 <=ae2 |ae1 >ae2 |ae1 >=ae2 |
if be then be1 else be2 |f(e1,,en) |
exists i <ae :{f(i,e1,,en)}|
forall i <ae :{f(i,e1,,en)}

Example 61.  

empty or (next A > 0)
exists i < |L| : {L[i] > 5}

List Expressions [Slide 189]

le ::=
a |next a |A |next A |
le1+le2 |le[ae] |[e1,,en] |le[ae1..ae2]

To access an element of a list, the notation L[i] should be used. Indexing begins at zero. Thus, for example, if L = [1,2,3,4] then L[2] = 3.

Sublist L[i..j] denotes a sublist of L from i to j 1. For example, list(L,5) and L[1..3] = [1,2] assigns the values 1 and 2 to the second and third elements of the list.

Example 62.  

L1 + next L2
L[2..5] = [L[2],L[3],L[4]]

List Expressions [Slide 190]


Example 63.  

List(L,5) and stable(struct(L))

String Expressions [Slide 191]

se ::=
a |next a |A |next A |
se1+se2 |se[ae] | se[ae1..ae2] |
"s1…sn" |[s1,,sn]

String constants are enclosed in double quotes, e.g. "this is a string". Most of the C escapes may be used. For example \n introduces a newline character, and \" introduces a double quote. The character \ itself must be escaped as \\.

Two strings may be appended with the + operator: "abc"+"def"="abcdef".

Example 64.  

L1 + next L2
L[2..5] = [L[2],L[3],L[4]]
L = "abc"

Float Expressions [Slide 192]

fe ::=
$d.d$ |$± d$ |frandom |fRandom |a |next a |
A |next A |fe1+fe2 |fe1ae2 |fe1fe2 |
fe1 div fe2 |fe1 mod fe2 |fe1 ∗∗fe2 |
fe1fe2 |sqrt(fe) |ceil(fe) |floor(fe) |exp(fe) |
log(fe) |log10(fe) |sin(fe) |cos(fe) |tan(fe) |
asin(fe) |acos(fe) |atan(fe) |atan2(fe1,fe2) |
sinh(fe) |cosh(fe) |tanh(fe) |fabs(fe) |itof(ae) |
if be then fe1 else fe2 |f(e1,,en)

The function itof returns the float corresponding to an integer. floor and ceil return respectively the largest integer not greater than, smallest integer not less than. frandom is a float random number in [0.0,1.0) (static within a state). fRandom is a float random number in [0.0,1.0) (can change within a state).

Example 65.

A = cos($0.123$)
next B = exp($0.123e + 10$)

Lambda Expressions [Slide 193]

ge ::=
lambda(V 1,,V n) :{e}

The command define F(Y ) = {Y + 1} to define a function F is the same as the assignment F = lambda(Y ) : {Y + 1}.

Example 66.

F = lambda(Y,X) : {X + Y }
G = lambda(Y ) : {lambda(X) : {X + Y }}

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