Can we give the semantic domain an algebraic structure?
Let ⟦f⟧ denote the set of intervals for which M⟦f⟧(σ) = tt, i.e.,
⟦f⟧ ≜ {σ | M⟦f⟧(σ) = tt}
The ∨ of two PITL formula is then
⟦f1 ∨ f2⟧ = |
use definition of ⟦ ⟧ |
{σ | M⟦f1 ∨ f2⟧(σ) = tt} |
use definition of M⟦f1 ∨ f2⟧(σ) |
{σ | M⟦f1⟧(σ) = tt or M⟦f2⟧(σ) = tt} |
use set theory, let ∪ denote union |
{σ | M⟦f1⟧(σ) = tt}∪{σ | M⟦f2⟧(σ) = tt} |
use definition of ⟦ ⟧ |
⟦f1⟧∪⟦f2⟧ |
So we need algebraic operators that correspond to ¬, ∨,skip,; and ∗
¬ corresponds to complement of a set, i.e.,
⟦¬f⟧ = |
use definition of ⟦ ⟧ |
{σ | M⟦¬f⟧(σ) = tt} |
use definition of M⟦¬f⟧(σ) |
{σ | not (M⟦f⟧(σ) = tt)} |
use set theory, let ∼A denote set complement |
∼{σ | M⟦f⟧(σ) = tt} |
use definition of ⟦ ⟧ |
∼⟦f⟧ |
What about chop (‘;’)?
Let ⋅ denote the fusion of two intervals σ1,σ2 ∈ Σ+ ∪ Σω, i.e.,
Let a,b ∈ Σ (a and b are not the same), v,w ∈ Σ∗ and s,t ∈ Σω
σ1 ⋅σ2 ≜
vaw | if | σ1 = va, | σ2 = aw |
∅ |
if |
σ1 = va, |
σ2 = bw |
vas |
if |
σ1 = va, |
σ2 = as |
∅ |
if |
σ1 = va, |
σ2 = bs |
s |
if |
σ1 = s, |
σ2 = aw |
s |
if |
σ1 = s, |
σ2 = t |
Let S,T ⊆ Σ+ ∪ Σω then
S ⋅T ≜{σ1 ⋅ σ2 | σ1 ∈S and σ2 ∈T}
‘;’ corresponds to fusion ‘⋅’, i.e.,
⟦f1 ; f2⟧ = |
use definition of ⟦ ⟧ |
{σ | M⟦f1 ; f2⟧(σ) = tt} |
use definition of M⟦f1 ; f2⟧(σ) |
{σ | ( exists k, s.t. M⟦f1⟧(σ0…σk) = tt and M⟦f2⟧(σk…σ|σ|) = tt) |
or (σ is infinite and M⟦f1⟧(σ) = tt)} |
use definition of ⋅ |
{σ | M⟦f1⟧(σ) = tt}⋅{σ | M⟦f2⟧(σ) = tt} |
use definition of ⟦ ⟧ |
⟦f1⟧⋅⟦f2⟧ |
What about empty?
⟦empty⟧ = |
use definition of ⟦ ⟧ |
{σ | M⟦empty⟧(σ) = tt} |
use definition of M⟦empty⟧(σ) |
{σ | σ is a 1 state interval} |
use definition of Σ |
Σ |
What about skip?
skip can be defined as ∼(Σ ∪∼Σ ⋅∼Σ)
∼(Σ ∪∼Σ ⋅∼Σ) = |
use De Morgan for set theory |
∼Σ ∩∼(∼Σ ⋅∼Σ) |
∼Σ is the set of intervals containing ≥ 2 states
∼Σ ⋅∼Σ is the set of intervals containing ≥ 3 states
∼(∼Σ ⋅∼Σ) is the set of intervals containing ≤ 2 states
∼Σ ∩∼(∼Σ ⋅∼Σ) is the set of intervals containing exactly 2 states
What about a state formula, i.e., a formula without temporal operators?
A state formula only constrains the first state of an interval. Let p be a state formula. Then the following holds
⟦p⟧ = (⟦p⟧∩Σ) ⋅T where
T ≜⟦true⟧ = Σ+ ∪ Σω |
∅≜⟦false⟧ = ∅ |
What about chopstar ‘∗’?
In the semantics of ‘∗’ both finite and infinite iteration are considered simultaneously. Let’s define separate algebraic operators for them.
Let S∗ and Sω denote respectively finite and infinite iteration of a set S ⊆ Σ+ ∪ Σω and can be defined as follows
finite |
≜ |
∼(T ⋅∅) |
fmore |
≜ |
∼Σ ∩finite |
f(X) | ≜ | Σ ∪ (S ∩fmore) ⋅X | g(X) | ≜ | (S ∩fmore) ⋅X |
S∗ |
≜ |
μX.f(X) |
Sω |
≜ |
νX.g(X) |
where μX.f(X) denotes the least fixpoint of f and νX.g(X) the greatest fixpoint of g.
Then we have
⟦f∗⟧ = … = ⟦f⟧∗∪⟦f⟧ω