5.6 Technical Reports


J. Stanley Warford, David Vega, and Scott M. Staley. A Calculational Deductive System for Linear Temporal Logic. https://www.cslab.pepperdine.edu/warford/Papers/Vega-Paper.pdf. 2019.


Howard Bowman and Simon J. Thompson. A Complete Axiomatization of Interval Temporal Logic with Projection. Technical Report 6-00. Canterbury, Great Britain: Computing Laboratory, University of Kent, Jan. 2000, p. 52.
url: https://kar.kent.ac.uk/22055/.


Wang Hanpin and Xu Qiwen. Temporal logics over infinite intervals. Tech. rep. 158. Macau: UNU/IIST, 1999.


Stephan Merz. “An Encoding of TLA in Isabelle”. https://members.loria.fr/SMerz/projects/isabelle-tla/index.html. Part of the Isabelle distribution. 1998.


Howard Bowman, Helen Cameron, Peter King, and Simon Thompson. Mexitl: Multimedia in Executable Interval Temporal Logic. Tech. rep. 3-97. Computing Laboratory, University of Kent at Canterbury, May 1997.
url: https://kar.kent.ac.uk/14016/.


Antonio Cau and Ben Moszkowski. Using PVS for Interval Temporal Logic Proofs. Part 1: The syntactic and semantic encoding. Technical monograph 14. Download pdf. Leicester: SERCentre, De Montfort University, 1996.


Ben Moszkowski. Compositional Reasoning about Projected and Infinite time. Tech. rep. EE/0495/M1. Newcastle upon Type, UK: Dept. of Elec. and Elec. Eng., Univ. of Newcastle, UK, Apr. 1995.


Ben Moszkowski. Embedding Imperative Constructs in Interval Temporal Logic. Tech. rep. Internal memorandum EE/0895/M1. Newcastle upon Type, UK: Dept. of Elec. and Elec. Eng., Univ. of Newcastle, UK, Aug. 1995.


Bruno Dutertre. On first order interval temporal logic. Tech. rep. CSD-TR-94-3. Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX, England: Dept. of Computer Science, Royal Holloway, University of London, 1994.


Ben Moszkowski. Some very compositional temporal properties. Tech. rep. 466. Dept. of Computing Science, University of Newcastle, Dec. 1993.


Ben Moszkowski. Executing Temporal Logic Programs. Tech. rep. 55. Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 1984.

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