III.3 Semantic Preliminaries

Interval and Length [Slide 92]

An interval σ is a finite sequence of states

σ : σ0σ1σ2

Let Σ+ denote the set of all finite intervals with at least 1 state.

The length of an interval σ is denoted by |σ| and is the number of states minus 1.

Example 26.  

σ = σ0
|σ| = 0
σ = σ0σ1
|σ| = 1
σ = σ0σ1…σn
|σ| = n

Prefix, Suffix and Sub Interval [Slide 93]

Let σ = σ0σ1σ2…σ|σ| be an interval then

Example 27.  

Let σ = σ0σ1σ2σ3 be an interval then

is a prefix interval of σ
is a suffix interval of σ
is a sub interval of σ

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